Cat Paw Print

Saturday, October 22, 2011


  1. Make an animation of meh and u being stupid!

  2. soo cool you are my kind of person i am wild child tiger you might know me

  3. What program did you use? Plz tell me Im looking for flipnote/animating programs!

  4. this is really cool have you heard of lupisvulpes on youtube she does really good animation she made a show called audience andit has my boyfriend in it his name is showtime and he jsdkfsdjfjhsbrsejdfnsbrhs4brsehf*U$#RHe8rhebfbsrhwesdfbshfsjdnfbhshrsehrs94i3hfhs9rufsbdfsnfnai3hrsnfsdnfsfhshihrusjrnsuh3ifsnfnsers also please link me the music below i want to put it in my mixtape


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