Cat Paw Print

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Animal Jam Controls

Hiya Jammers!
I made A control box for starter jammers to Animal Jam.
It shows you all the controls, and can be very useful.
If you can see the numbering, listed 123, those are the controls.
If you see the number, 1 it's you profile picture. You click it to go to your profile and you'll see all you items, and you can change your design there.
The number 2, is to change or buy an animal. A new animal costs 1000 gems. Nonmembers can only have 2 animals. Members can have 8 animals.
The number 3, is to make you animal do an action. Such as, Sitting, Dancing, Sleeping, Hopping, or doing their own unique Play action.
The number four, is to make emotion icons. Like a smiley face or a sad face.
The number 5, is Bubble Chat. It let's you talk without typing or if your just set like that. You can say basic words like: Yes. No. Trade with me!
Number 6, is Type chat or can also be Limited chat. Type chat is where you can type anything you want (Besides inappropriate language) in to the chat. Limited chat is when your limited on saying most words, and you spell them correctly.
The number 7, is just for turning off Animal Jam's music. You can still hear when you clicking something, though.
The number 8, is to go to your den. Which is your house that you can unlock/lock and customize your own designs.
The final one, number 9 is to look at the map and go to different lands to explore.
Happy exploring!

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