Cat Paw Print

Thursday, August 25, 2011

A Scam

Hiya Jammers!
Today, while playing Animal Jam, I was making a trade of a Cream Glove for my Scary Horns.
Someone asked to please come to their den. I said okay, and went. They said to send them the horns then they'll send the glove. I said,"Why not trade?" but she responded my trading doesn't work. I said, then contact Animal Jam HQ. I will trade you when your trading works. and they said send me your Horns. I'm sure she didn't even have a Cream Glove! I have proof she tried to scam me, too. Here is an image:
RiverWind Trying To Scam Me.
Oh well..if anyone would like to trade me their Cream Glove for my Scary Horns, please tell me.
Happy exploring!

1 comment:

  1. dude I got scammed from jellomellowfellowthatplayscello
    she said I would trade my both non member gloves if you give me your pink legendary glove until she wants me do a favor for her I HAVE TO TRADE THE MAT FIRST I was like I know its a scam but she promised right now I'm going get my reward for it ugh and that was the jammer that scam me


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