Cat Paw Print

Friday, August 19, 2011

New Moderator

Hiya Jammers!
I chose our first moderator. She earned this because she is always on Chat, Animal Jam, and is really nice.
Her name is..Ollie42. Congratulations Ollie! Do you accept this?
Tell me on Animal Jam or comment.
Also..thank-you for the gift on Chat! I really like the picture. And just so others know how good of an artist you are..
I'm going to post your amazing picture here!
I think this picture is awesome!
You get to be a moderator on Chat if you accept this also, Ollie.
Happy exploring!


  1. Yes SilverSpear i would love to be your moderator!and thanks for showing the picutre i drew you! -ollie42

  2. Cool picture silver I hope you will enjoy my blue legendary glove anyways I was going use it if I became enemies with my brother (not real) but I think we will stay together so you can have it =)-Z U G Y

  3. i think that the picture is AWSOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! your good ollie -pool54321-


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