Cat Paw Print

Friday, August 19, 2011

Quick Trading

Hiya Jammers!
I noticed, many Jammers were getting "Quick Traded".
This is when A Jammer, get's A really good offer, then the other Jammer cancels it before the Jammer can accept. I consider it..bullying. Please stop quick trading me, or anyone else! It's not fair.
If you quick trade me or someone else, I will report you for "Being A Bully!".
Anyways, happy exploring!


  1. I am going with silver too and S C A M M E R S if your going to keep on scamming your may look rich but other J A M M E R S you scam are going to hate you and DON'T SAY "I DON'T CARE" that just makes people super sad what if you like took away somebody's stuff that's there favorite, that's like being selfish and if you care about god in heaven you can't be selfish and T R I N if your reading this your being selfish too you know and I L O V E M A G I C you just helped t r i n be selfish and no selfish allowed anymore not even in real life

  2. I hope they learned there lesson to not scam but this is really serious =l

  3. hey silver remember j j d he quick traded me he called me a big baby but it was well worth it but I called him the biggest baby in the world and he didn't cry or anything but yea he was like don't like me when then like he left in your den


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